Routine vs Emergency Repairs
What is considered an emergency repair on your rental?
It is very important for you as a Landlord and also as a Tenant, to know the difference between Routine Maintenance and Emergency Repairs.
They are two very different things!
Routine inspections and repairs are carried out to ensure the property is well cared for and to check if there are any maintenance, health and safety or compliance issues.
Some repairs need to be done quickly. There are a specific list of items that are considered Emergency Repairs as outlined with the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA). Here is just a few:
a burst water service or a serious water service leak
a blocked or broken lavatory service
a serious roof leak
a gas leak
a dangerous electrical fault
flooding or serious flood damage
serious storm, fire or impact damage
The property manager/owner generally carries out any repairs or organises someone to do so. For more information visit
At BlueChip Rentals we are always here to help steer you on the right path by protecting your investment. Call us for more in depth advise.