What is fair wear and tear?
Ever wondered what the definition of fair wear and tear is…
In our industry you will hear this terminology used a lot, by Property Managers, Tenants and by the courts if you ever have the misfortune of ending up at a QCAT hearing.
Fair wear and tear means the normal deterioration or ageing of the premises which occurs over the course of the tenancy because of ordinary use of the premises by the tenant. It is impossible to live in a property without causing some form of minor damage – scuff marks on the walls, worn carpet in high-traffic areas, and so on.
Items that are…
NOT considered wear and tear:
· Dirt
· Grime
· Grease
· Damage
YES considered wear and tear:
· Small scuff marks
· Faded paint or curtains
· Flattened carpet due to furniture
· Ageing of the property
The entry condition report and the exit report as well as photos of the property are critical evidence to avoid disputes about the property condition at the end of the tenancy. Remember to always document all damage and incidents as soon as they happen.
At BlueChip Rentals we are always here to help steer you on the right path by protecting your investment. Call us for more advise.